New Canvas Site Expands Access to Student Resources



September 2, 2022

A new site aggregating information about campus resources ranging from mental health and well-being to academic support and career development is now available in Canvas, the Institute’s course management system. The site brings these important resources to the forefront of where students are interacting with their coursework online.

The College of Engineering’s (CoE) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council began building out the site about two years ago. The site amplifies work that was initiated by Student Engagement and Well-Being in 2020. A link to the new site, named GT Student Resources, is located on the left side course navigation menu in all Georgia Tech courses.

“We are excited to have this roll out to the campus after two years of hard work,” said Iris Tien, associate professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and chair of the CoE DEI Council. “Our hope is that this Canvas site will help students more easily find the resources they need and that the faculty will encourage their classes to explore this site to discover all of the incredible resources available to our students.”

Posted by on September 2, 2022 in Media

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