Dr. Iris Tien is Williams Family Associate Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Tien joined the faculty in 2014.
Tien received her Ph.D. in Civil Systems Engineering in 2014 from the University of California, Berkeley, where she was a recipient of the University of California Chancellor’s Fellowship for Graduate Study and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.
A native of Silicon Valley, Tien attended Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, where she graduated Cum Laude in 2004. She then returned to California to attend UC Berkeley as a Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholar, and graduated High Honors with a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Minor in English in 2008.
Tien’s research work is in developing probabilistic methods for modeling and reliability assessment of civil infrastructure systems.
Research Bio:
Dr. Iris Tien is Williams Family Associate Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She joined the faculty in 2014 after receiving her Ph.D. in Civil Systems Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Tien’s research interests are in probabilistic methods for modeling and reliability assessment of civil infrastructure systems. Her research leverages her unique interdisciplinary expertise encompassing traditional topics of civil engineering, sensing and data analytics, stochastic processes, probabilistic risk assessment, and decision making under uncertainty. Dr. Tien’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Transportation, and National Institute of Standards and Technology. Her work on interdependent infrastructure systems modeling and analysis has twice won 1st Place Paper Awards in resilient critical infrastructure. She was selected by the National Academy of Engineering to organize the session on Resilient and Reliable Infrastructure at the U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium; and speak on Community Resilience at the National Academies Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium. Dr. Tien was awarded the prestigious Early Achievement Research Prize by the International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability (IASSAR), and her published work has been recognized as Editor’s Choice Selection Papers in multiple journals, including the ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, and the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems.